Delta Squad

Marcus Fenix
Marcus Fenix (voiced by John DiMaggio) is the main protagonist of the series. He is first introduced as an inmate, serving a prison sentence for abandoning his military post in order to make a vain attempt to save his father, Adam Fenix. Fenix is noted for having a famed military career, during which he played a notable part in the Pendulum Wars. Despite this, Fenix is left for dead in a dilapidated penitentiary, until Dominic rescues him at the beginning of Gears of War. When Lieutenant Kim is killed in battle by a General RAAM Marcus takes up the leader of the group under the rank of "Sergeant". He retains the position throughout the Gears of War trilogy, and plays a pivotal role in helping humanity defeat the Locust Horde and Lambent forces. He is instrumental in the destruction of both species, personally killing the Locust Queen and having a major role in the deaths of the two Locust Generals, RAAM and Skorge. He is in love with Anya Stroud, though he does not outwardly display affection to her much. He is also the father of JD Fenix, the main protagonist of Gears of War 4.

Anya Stroud
Anya is the daughter of Major Helena Stroud. Helena's death, along with Carlos Santiago, brings Anya and Marcus together. She is usually detailing location information through radio for Marcus, Dom, or Kim — particularly where to go next, if the Hammer of Dawn is online or whether hostiles are en route, and during the middle portion of Gears of War, directs mine carts used by Delta squad for transportation. She is only visible once throughout the first game, on board a King Raven helicopter, but appears more frequently in Gears of War 2. When she appears to have drowned in the sinking of Jacinto, Marcus is devastated, yet is quickly reassured when she appears on a separate raven alongside Cole, Prescott and Hoffman, where she waves to Marcus and murmurs "see you in Port Farrall." She is helpful to the Delta Squad in Gears of War 1 and 2, guiding them through their missions from CIC and firing the Hammer of Dawn for them when they need it. In Gears of War 3 she becomes a playable character in campaign and multiplayer as a result of her being promoted to the front-line. She comforts Marcus after the death of both Dom Santiago and Adam Fenix, taking his hand at the end of Gears of War 3 (to which Marcus does not reject) and telling him they "finally have a tomorrow." In Gears of War 4, it is revealed that Anya was married to Marcus. She does not appear physically in Gears of War 4, having died to causes not stated in the game.

Dominic Santiago
Dominic Santiago is a veteran soldier, first introduced in the original Gears of War as a second playable character. He is close friends with Marcus, his longtime comrade. Like Marcus, he is a seasoned veteran with a strong sense for family, and often thinks of his wife Maria, whom he attempts to locate in Gears of War 2. They lost their two children, Sylvia and Benedicto, on E-day, and, four years later, when that day's trauma became too much, Maria disappeared. He finds his wife eleven years later, imprisoned by the Locust. He euthanizes her because she has been tortured and traumatized beyond recovery. Before Emergence Day he was a special forces commando towards the end of the Pendulum Wars fighting in Operation Leveler, led by then Major Victor Hoffman. His older brother, Carlos Santiago was killed during the Battle of Aspho Fields, a long with Helena Stroud while fighting alongside Marcus. Dom makes his final appearance in Gears of War 3. As Delta is surrounded by Lambent forces, Dom sacrifices himself by driving a large truck into a fuel pipe. The ensuing explosion destroys all hostile forces and allows the rest of Delta squad to escape to later regroup with Baird and Cole. Marcus uses Dom's combat knife to kill Queen Myyrah in the final Act of Gears of War 3

Samantha Byrne
Private Samantha Byrne, affectionately called "Sam" and also called "Duchashka" ("lovely duchess") by the Gorasni, is a Gear in the COG Army. She was the daughter of Samuel Byrne, a Tyran Gear; and Sheraya Olencu, a Kashkuri liaison to the COG Army. Sam was born and raised in Anvegad, Kashkur where her father died in action during the Siege of Anvil Gate of the Pendulum Wars. She eventually moved to Tyrus where she joined the army and became a member of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit during the Locust War. She fought in Operation: Hollow Storm and evacuated with the COG to Vectes - where she continued to fight during the Stranded Insurgency and Lambent Pandemic.

Augustus Cole
Private Augustus "Cole Train" Cole, also known as Gus or his Thrashball nickname "Cole Train",[2][3] is a Gear in the COG Army and a former Thrashball player. Best known for playing with the Hanover Cougars as defensive lineman, Cole later joined the army as a Gear after his parents were killed by the Locust Horde on Emergence Day. His announcement of retiring from Thrashball and joining the war effort caused a massive spike in enlistments. During the majority of the Locust War, Cole fought alongside Cpl. Damon Baird. Cole rejected every military promotion that had been offered under the grounds that having rank was not going to affect how many Locust he could kill.[4] As part of Delta-One, Cole became part of the most reliable squad of Gears available to the COG, fighting on the frontlines of every major operation near the end of the Locust War, and continued fighting for the COG as part of Delta after the relocation to Vectes, fighting Stranded Insurgents, the new threat of the Lambent Pandemic and the rise of the Swarm.
At some point in his early life, Cole became interested in sports and began a hobby in Thrashball. Due to his sheer strength as well as abilities in coordination and planning, Cole went on to become a professional Thrasball star as an adult. A defensive lineman, Cole signed on with the Eagles before later signing on with the Hanover Cougars of his hometown. He became an international star and millionaire - garnering sponsors and endorsements. For most of his Thrashball career, he bore the number '83'.

Damon Baird
Corporal Damon S. Baird is a Gear of the Coalition of Ordered Governments Army and an expert in several technical, mechanical, and scientific fields. He also appears to be an expert in collecting and analyzing Locust weapons, other equipment, artifacts and documents.[6] He joined the COG Army on Emergence Day, and soon after met Augustus Cole, who became his best friend. Fourteen years later, he was a member of Alpha Squad during the Lightmass Offensive, but joined Delta Squad along with Cole after the rest of the squad was killed. After the successful conclusion to the offensive, he was assigned to lead Sigma-One with Cole, taking part in several battles against the Locust. During Operation: Hollow Storm, he once again rejoined Delta, and fought through the campaign to sink Jacinto. He joined the rest of the COG in its evacuation to Port Farrall and later Vectes, where the COG was forced to deal with the Stranded Insurgency, and later the Lambent Pandemic, during which Baird was often on the front lines helping formulate plans with the rest of Delta and Command. When the COG collapsed, Baird joined the rest of Delta aboard the CNV Sovereign as part of the rapid response force that would assist several settlements the remnants of the COG had set up on the mainland.

Clayton Carmine
Chief Sergeant Clayton "Clay" Carmine, also called Grub Killer by his fellow Gears, and Sarge by his trainees is one of the four Carmine brothers and a Gear in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army. Holding the rank of Private throughout the Locust War and the Lambent Pandemic , Clay is the oldest brother in the Carmine family, he is an experienced and veteran Gear; unfortunately, he is also one of only two surviving brothers of the Carmine Family. Like Dominic Santiago, the war with the Locust was extremely personal for Clay because of the losses his family have suffered. He bears a deep grudge with every Locust, Lambent or not. Clay continued fighting in the last days of both conflicts alongside Delta-One and lived to see their victory. While most of his comrades in Delta-One had chosen to retire from the military sometime after the war, Clay chose to remain in the army under the reconstituted COG. Rising to the rank of Chief Sergeant, Clay went on to become a training instructor for officer cadets and trained James Dominic Fenix (the son of his old comrade Marcus Fenix) and his friend Delmont Walker. Clayton soon returned to action during Swarm Invasion and assisted in the Evacuation of Settlement 2 along with the rest of Delta Squad and his niece by leading a unit of DeeBees to defend evacuees, although his niece Corporal Elizabeth Carmine was accidently killed by a Hammer Strike. He later fought in the Battle of Old Ephyra and helped to deploy targeting beacons for the newly activated Hammer of Dawn satellites and later helped to kill the Swarm controlled creature known as the Kraken.

Benjamin Carmine
Private Benjamin Carmine, or Rook by his squad mates and Squirt by his brothers, was the brother of Anthony Carmine, Clayton Carmine, and an unidentified Carmine. He served as a Gear soldier in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army and joined Delta Squad, which had previously been Anthony's squad, after completing his training, and was further trained by Sgt. Marcus Fenix and Cpl. Dominic Santiago. He fought in the opening stages of Operation: Hollow Storm, until his tragic death inside the Riftworm.

Anthony Carmine
Private Anthony Carmine was a Gear soldier in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army and a member of Delta Squad. He was a member of the Carmine Family and the brother of Benjamin Carmine, Clayton Carmine, and an unnamed fourth brother. In 14 A.E., Anthony was part of the mission to find and deploy the Resonator during Lightmass Offensive. He was killed just outside the House of Sovereigns by a Locust Sniper and was remembered as a hero by his family.

Delta Squad's Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago effectively treat JACK as a member of the team, and one that they're better off with than without. They use it mainly for ripping doors open when they have to gain access, but can be used to communicate like mentioned above. A final use for JACK is the programing capacity to be able to hack computer terminals. JACK successfully hacks two computer terminals inside an old, abandoned warehouse laboratory in the company of Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago who were in search of a way of reaching the Locust stronghold undetected and later hacks a Locust terminal in the heart of their capital city Nexus. He is also able to hack the terminals in Adam Fenix's secret lab.

Jayson Stratton
Corporal Jayson "Jace" Stratton[2] is a Tyran actor and filmmaker, and a former Gear in the COG Army. As a child, Jace was the sole survivor in his family during Emergence Day attacks by the Locust Horde. Following the Locust occupation of Ilima in 9 A.E., Jace joined the COG Army. He unwittingly was part of the rogue rescue mission of Professor Adam Fenix by Sergeant Marcus Fenix during the Fall of Ephyra. The rescue mission failed, Ephyra was lost, and Marcus was sentenced to forty years at Jacinto Maximum Security Prison. Jace continued to fight in the Locust War. Four years later, Marcus Fenix was pardoned by Corporal Dominic Santiago. Following the Lightmass Offensive, Jace rejoined Marcus and Dominic in Delta-One. Jace was instrumental in numerous missions and battles that ensured COG victory including securing Ferro Bridge in Operation: Midnight, securing Stranded survivors during the Mission to Montevado and Liberation of Jilane, and commanding Alpha-Seven during Operation: Hollow Storm.

Minh Young
Lieutenant Minh Young Kim (COG tags CSID 274823-M24I24-NN)[2] was a Gear officer who served in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army during the Locust War, most notably during the Evacuation of Ilima and the Lightmass Offensive. A firm, honorable soldier with a "by-the-book" leadership style,[3] Kim was extremely loyal to the ideals of the COG. He led the mission to rescue Marcus Fenix from Jacinto Maximum Security Prison despite his reservations about a man he regarded as a deserter. He was killed only hours later by General RAAM.

Tai Kaliso
Corporal Tai Kaliso was a Gear soldier who hailed from Irohma Island in the South Islands. He joined the Coalition of Ordered Governments army after his village was wiped out by Union of Independent Republics forces during the Pendulum Wars. A boulder of a man, Tai's muscular appearance stands in contrast to his quiet, meditative personality. Tai was descended from a long line of men who viewed themselves not just as fighters but as warriors. This lineage molded Tai into a warrior-philosopher with a spiritual view of war that often caused odd glances from his squadmates. However, they liked and respected him, even if they didn't always understand him. Tai and Marcus Fenix have a long history of saving each other's lives during the Pendulum Wars, and served alongside each other several times during the Locust War.